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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Tired Today

I saw part of the eclipse before going to bed. I dreamed I was on a road. Sometimes I walked alongside it. Other times I drove upon it. It was my main road. I lived on it. I took it to work. I sat at it's side and watched time pass. And as I traveled back and forth on this worn, average road I heard a voice speaking to me.

It told me this was the road to greatness. It may look ordinary. It may be identical to innumerable others, but this here, was the road to greatness.

Every influential person in the history of the world traveled down this same path. They felt the mundanity of everyday life. Doubt overcast their works and actions. Not one of them felt particularly gifted or special. Yet they were all destined for greatness.

This is how it felt to be a world-changer. It felt like nothing at all. It didn't change fate to not feel destined for anything.

I was tired, aimless, and trapped by day to day life. I wanted it to end. I thought of ending it myself, but I stuck around. I stuck around because or hope and chance. Something could happen as long as I kept going. As long as I didn't give up. There were no promises of change, only the opportunity for it. So I waited.

The voice promised, despite all of this, that I was destined for greatness. I was an important figure in a grand plan I'll never understand. That I was on the road. I just had to keep walking it.

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